Interpreting Services

Different types of interpreting, a common goal: meeting your needs

Essex Translations and its interpreting service provide professional and reliable interpreters in Essex in over 265 languages. Interpreting is not only one kind of work, our interpreting services Essex include (non-exhaustive list):

Each of our interpreters is specialised in one or more of these types of interpreting, as it does not require the same skills and abilities. Moreover, our fields of operation include all the fields possible such as medical, legal, business as well as Public Sector.

The ideal interpreter at your disposal

interpreting services at EssexWe recognise that every customer’s needs are different from another. We, at Essex Translations are committed to focus on what your request needs are. Essex Translations does not base its services on a generality but on specificity. If you need a specific dialect of a language, we will provide you with an interpreter in Essex from the region where the dialect is spoken and not an interpreter who only speaks the general language or even worse: an interpreter who speaks another dialect of the same language.

Native Interpreters in Essex

We ensure that our interpreters are native speakers so that the cultural matters can be respected. Do not worry about your personal information that can be heard during the session. As we are aware of the importance of the discretion, our Company is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. And all our interpreters have signed a Confidentiality Agreement which prevent them from divulging any information regarding their missions.

Do you need an interpreter or a translator?

“Good morning, I would like to book a translator for a medical appointment.” Unfortunately, we will not be able to meet your request as we cannot provide a translator for an interpretation. It is a common confusion, yet translator and interpreter are actually two distinct professions. Indeed, where interpreting is the oral way to convey words in a source language into a target language, translation is the written way. An interpreter might also be a translator and vice and versa, however it is not always the case.

The Interpreter: the bridge

Human-being created languages centuries ago in order to be able to communicate with their peers. Unfortunately, nobody created a common language and today we estimate the number of languages in the world between 5,000 and 6,000. Despite some similarities between some languages and dialects, it is hard to understand each other. That is why some people learn, in addition to their own language, another one or more. Interpreters are the link between two human-beings, the bridge between two countries, two cultures and play an important role in our globalized world.

Do not go further and click on the “Get a free quote” button or call us on 0124 520 6578 to request our interpreting services Essex.